Goggins advises that to truly become great and unstoppable, you need to go inside yourself into introspection and find who you are.Warren Buffett sabe de que a reputação é o ativo mais valioso para quauer pessoa ou empresa. Portanto ele submete os seus gestores ao “Teste do Jornalâ€.While your diet plays a huge role in your weig
O fato sobre homem mais resistente do mundo Que ninguém está sugerindo
Dr. Parsley’s sleep remedy was designed to help Navy SEALs to overcome some of the sleep challenges that they have as hard-charging individuals. Doc Parsley believes that proper sleep and recovery is absolutely essential to maintain our ability to perform at a high level.Vales e outros descontos que se encontrem no prazo de validade, serã
Ajudar Os outros perceber as vantagens da aprenda a controlar os sonhos
Carry some text with you or wear a digital watch throughout the day. To do a reality test, read the words or the numbers on the watch. Then, look away and look back, observing the letters or numbers to see if they change. Try to make them change while watching them.Put real meaning into the words and focus on this idea alone. If you find yourself t
Uma análise de estoicismo na prática
and what are referred to as the three Stoic disciplines: desire, action, and assent. The discipline of desire, sometimes referred to as Stoic acceptance, is derived from the study of physics, and in particular from the idea of universal cause and effect. It consists in training oneself to desire what the universe allows and not to pursue what it do
5 técnicas simples para metodo pomodoro
A Técnica Pomodoro é uma metodologia de gestão de tempo que consiste em utilizar um cronômetro para dividir o seu fluxo do manejorefregatráfego em intervalos do foco intenso e do descanso. Seu primário objetivo é aumentar a produtividade e a eficiência.El funcionamiento es muy sencillo, y basta con pulsar el botón do la e